12th Place Finish out of 182 at FLW BFL Regional on Lake Chickamauga
Just got back from competing in my second Regional Championship this year on Lake Chickamauga. I didn't get time to head down before the...
59th Place out of 160 Kentucky Lake FLW BFL Regional.
What a crappy weekend of fishing on Kentucky Lake. Most of the time when I have a tough tournament I will reflect for a couple of days on...
This upcoming weekend I'll be headed to Kentucky Lake to fish a FLW BFL Regional Championship. I qualified for the Kentucky Lake...
Check Cashed at the Big Bass Bash
Just got back from the Big Bass Bash at Lake of the Ozarks. I've been fishing the Big Bass Bash tournaments off and on the past couple of...
19th Place Finish Lake Hamilton BFL Super Tournament
Just got back from Lake Hamilton in Arkansas. I would say this tournament was one of those you wish you could go back do all over. We...
Qualified for both the Kentucky Lake and the Lake Chickamauga FLW BFL Regional Championships
The last two weekend of fishing did not go as I had hoped. The BFL Kentucky Lake Super Tournament was a very tough tournament for me. My...
3rd Place Finish out of 88 in the FLW Hoosier Division BFL on Lake Monroe, Indiana
Just got back from competing in the FLW BFL on Lake Monroe in Indiana. It was great to get to go back and visit Lake Monroe. I had not...
10th Place Finish out of 147 La Crosse Wisconsin FLW BFL
Just got back from fishing the FLW BFL in La Crosse Wisconsin. The trip was about a 7 hour drive from St. Louis. It was an easy drive...
No More Co-Anglers on the FLW Tour
So last week the news came out that there will be no more Co-Anglers on the FLW Tour. I knew the decision was probably going to happen as...
8th Place Finish out of 92 at Truman Lake
Just got back from competing in the FLW BFL on Truman Lake. I haven't fished on Truman Lake in ages. The last time that I had fished...